
『2013年3月9日ー24日の16日間、渋谷駅地下コンコースと渋谷ヒカリエ アーバンコアがアート空間に変わります。






Shibuya's subway halls, Hikarie lobbies, and more will be transformed into art galleries for the 16 days March 9–24.

Shibuya-themed art will break out in the station's underground corridors, in the new Hikarie building, and in a number of other sites throughout the area. With over two dozen exhibitors showing photographs, videos, research results, and much more, these everyday thoroughfares will become avenues of discovery for everyone.

This is shibuya1000's 5th annual art explosion put together by corporate, university, and citizen-group volunteers interested in advancing Shibuya's evolution as a vibrant center of creativity and commerce. Held every March, shibuya1000 showcases projects to keep people thinking about Shibuya and how much it can and does mean for their lives.

Ever-changing, Shibuya will take a giant step forward on March 16 when the Tokyu Toyoko line re-routes to connect with the Fukutoshin subway line. Less dramatic changes are also underway, and TimeOut Tokyo will be providing exhibition explanations and street guides for smartphone users who want to explore the shibuya1000 city.