
shibuya1000_006 :  2014 03.13 Thur 18:00-



copyright (c) shibuya1000

shibuya1000_006:A Symposium This Year. Date:March 13, 2014 (Thursday). Time:18:00 - 20:20. Place:Shibuya Care Community Mitake-no-oka (Shibuya 1-18-9). Admission:Free.

Many cities, not only in Japan but worldwide, have developed around train stations. Yet even though the whole city shares the station, there is often a disconnect between the two sides of the track. It is almost as though there are two cities joined at the station. In Shibuyaユs case, the two sides are Shibuya East and Shibuya West. While the divide is not as radical as the historical global divide between the Orient and the Occident, the two sides of Shibuya station have very different personalities, and it is instructive to explore how the two cultures developed. This is the focus of this yearユs Shibuya1000 symposium.



Opening Remarks by Shibuya Mayor Tocshitake Kuwahara

01: Keynote Address:
Urban Development Past and Present,
East and West: The Origins of Diversity
Professor Shin Muramatsu
(Research Institute for Humanity and Nature / Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo)
02: Rivalry between the Two Shibuyas,
and the View from the Valley
Norihisa Minagawa
(President, Tokyo Suribatci Gakkai)
03: A Photographic Record of Shibuya
East and West Through the Ages
Yutaka Sato
04: How acnd Why Shibuya East and West
Differ Culturally
Takeki Nishi
(Shibuya Keizai Shimbun Editor-in-Chief)
05: Shibucya and Music
Tomoyuki Tanaka (FMP)
Taku Takahashi (m-flo and
Moderator: Keisuke Tamura
(associate professor, Showa Womenユs University)

Closing Remarks by Hiroshi Naito, professor emeritus,
University of Tokyo

[Post-symposium Networking]

The symposium will be followed by a social and networking opportunity nearby.

Date: March 13, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 20:30 - 22:00
Place: Glorious Chain Cafe
(Shibuya 1-23-16, Cocoti Building 1F)
Admission: ¥2,000/person (students: ¥1,000/person)

For the past five years, Shibuya1000 has organized Shibuya-themed urban expositions showing how the city has developed and how the people interact with both the city and each other. This year, the many faces of Shibuya will be presented in a symposium featuring some of the leading observers and thinkers.

Hosted by: Shibuya1000 Executive Committee
Sponsored by: Tokyu Corporation, Tokyo Metro, Tokyu Land Corporation, East Japan Railway Company, Nikken Sekkei, NHK Business Services Inc., Kajima Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, Taisei Corporation, Nihon Sekkei Inc., Mitsui Fudosan, Mitsubishi Estate, B-Less Corporation, Tokyu Bus Corporation
Endorsed by: Shibuya City
  • 東京急行電鉄株式会社
  • 東京メトロ
  • 東急不動産株式会社
  • 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社
  • 株式会社日建設計
  • NHK営業サービス株式会社
  • 鹿島建設株式会社
  • 清水建設株式会社
  • 大成建設株式会社
  • 株式会社日本設計
  • 三井不動産株式会社
  • 三菱地所株式会社
  • 株式会社ブ・レスコーポレーション